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Thursday, April 5, 2012

Interracial Relationships

    Since the thought of racism has been floating around lately, I would like to bring up the topic of interracial dating. How many people do you know will date outside of their race? Some people say they would, while some people say they would not. Personally, I would not mine myself if God blessed me with a young man outside of my race. I think it's beautiful to see two different worlds come together in love. Now, I am not bashing people who love their race, all I am saying is I would not be objective to dating a man who was not the same race as me. I believe God can bring any two people together. The point I am trying to make is many people look at interracial dating as a bad thing. I believe it is wonderful. For example, there is a beautiful interracial couple in my church, the wife is Africa-American while the husband is Caucasian. They look beautiful together! I just wish people didn't look at interracial relationships negatively, but rather look at it as a gift from God. Just because someone chose to date someone outside of their race does not mean they do not like their race. God may called them to be in a relationship with someone not of their race. Instead of looking at interracial relationships from a negative perspective, let's embrace the two hearts that God has bought together.

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